Members can see all hotels, activity and dining venue suggestions as well as sample itineraries for each destination. Members have access to hotel and DMC contacts and can email them directly to request a proposal. Favorite hotels, activities, venues and itineraries can be saved to custom folders and this information can be shared with the client via personal links with the member logo and contact information. For a limited time membership is free but will then be
- Access to all hotels
- Ability to view ALL activities/hotel when available
- Ability to view ALL activities/hotel when available
- Search by hotel location type such as Mountain, Coastal, Island, etc., and over 50 destinations.
- Save to unlimted Favorites folders
- Create custom, branded lists via private link
Anyone can use the Andaré web portal. All hotels on the site will be available to all users and three activities and three venues will also appear if available. Users can also search by incentive destination options or by location type such as Mountain, Coastal, Golf, etc.
- Access to all hotels
- Ability to view three activities/hotel when available
- Ability to view three activities/hotel when available
- Search by hotel location type such as Mountain, Coastal, Island, etc., and over 50 destinations.